Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE
The main character, “Rokhee,” a fifth grader living in a seaside village, creates a club called the “Why Why Why Club” with friends to investigate anything they find curious.
As they investigate incidents in their neighborhood, they realize that choices adults make for their own gain are contributing to the climate crisis, and they take action to address it.
This creative children’s book is enhanced with beautiful, vibrant illustrations that add a layer of charm to the story.
Designed for upper elementary students in Korea, this book is ideal for intermediate-level Korean language learners.
Basic Information
– ISBN : 9788936443399
– Author: by 진형민 (Jin Hyungmin), illustrated by 이윤희 (Lee Yunhee)
– Publisher: 창비 (CHANGBI)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 200 pages
Table of Contents
- 아빠와 딸 [Father and Daughter]
- 혼자 노는 동아리 [A Club that Plays Alone]
- 뭐가 알고 싶은데? [What Do You Want to Know?]
- 다정이를 찾아서 [Searching for Dajeong]
- 다정이 아니고 복실이 [It’s Not Dajeong, It’s Bokshil]
- 왜 이렇게 됐지? [How Did This Happen?]
- 조 다르크 인터뷰 [Joan of Arc Interview]
- 잠들지 못하는 밤 [A Sleepless Night]
- 가족은 무조건 한 팀? [Is Family Always One Team?]
- 다섯 가지 의문 [Five Questions]
- 과일 가게 딸이든 시장님 딸이든 [Whether It’s the Daughter of a Fruit Shop or the Mayor’s Daughter]
- 호락호락하지 않아 [It’s Not Easy]
- 싸움은 축제처럼 [Fight Like a Festival]
- 못다 한 이야기 [A Story Left Untold]
작가의 말 [Author’s Note]
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