귀여움 수집가
[Collector of Cuteness]


an essay of squeezing cuteness by a collector of trivial romance, Good for intermediate

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After graduating from art school and spending six years as an office worker, the author, who once identified as an “art enthusiast,” now considers themselves a member of the “waiting-for-quitting-time squad.” In the midst of an emotionally dry, creatively drained, and repetitive work life, the author writes and draws stories, prescribing themselves a dose of “vitamin” by deciding not to hate anyone and instead trying to see the world in a cute way. These are the stories and illustrations of their experiences.
The illustrations featuring the chubby cat character “Basaki” are scattered throughout the book, adding to the charm of this illustrated essay.

While the illustrations can be enjoyed even by elementary-level Korean learners, the overall essays are more suitable for those at an intermediate Korean level.


Basic Information

– ISBN : 9791193810057
– Author: by 신지영 (Shin Ji-Young)
– Publisher: 가지출판사(KINDSBOOK)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 208 pages


Table of Contents

프롤로그_귀여워 보이면 끝이다 [Prologue: If It Looks Cute, That’s the End]

Part 1.
우리는 서로를 좀 더 귀여워할 필요가 있어요 [We Need to Be a Little Cuter to Each Other]

어른의 상상력에는 귀여운 구석이 있다 [There’s a Cute Corner in an Adult’s Imagination]
그럼에도 우리는 왜 퇴근하지 않을까? [Even So, Why Don’t We Leave Work?]
버스는 창가에 앉는 편 [I Prefer to Sit by the Window on the Bus]
눈꼬리가 닮은 두 사람, 행복하세요 [You Two with Similar Eyes, Be Happy]
0.5의 평화 [The Peace of 0.5]
모든 사람에게는 록스타의 기질이 있다 [Everyone Has a Rock Star in Them]
착한 일 하고 칭찬 스티커 안 받기 [Doing a Good Deed Without Getting a Compliment Sticker]
노룩 스윗 [No-Look Sweet]
이 이모티콘 진짜 귀엽죠 [This Emoji is Super Cute, Right?]
잘 잔 얼굴로 꿈 얘기를 해줘요 [Tell Me Your Dreams with Your Well-Rested Face]
길 위의 친구들 [Friends on the Road]
아저씨, 저한테 왜 그랬어요? [Mister, Why Did You Do That to Me?]
나 하나도 안 취했어, 진짜로 [I’m Not Drunk at All, Really]
잘 먹고 잘 쉽시다! 알았죠? [Let’s Eat Well and Rest Well! Okay?]
우리가 함께 있는 건 추위를 피하기 위해서야 [We’re Together to Escape the Cold]
애주가와 일반인의 뇌 구조는 다르다 [The Brain Structure of a Drinker is Different from That of a Non-Drinker]
어때? 진짜 맛있지? [How Is It? Really Good, Right?]
새우깡으로 되찾은 초심 [Rediscovering My Original Self Through Shrimp Crackers]
한강 야경이 맥주 안주 [The Han River Night View is the Perfect Beer Snack]

Part 2.
다 내가 너무 귀여운 탓이지 [It’s All Because I’m Too Cute]

SNS 알고리즘을 헤매는 남의 고양이 애호가 [A Cat Lover Wandering Through Someone Else’s SNS Algorithm]
여자 둘이 낡은 집에 살고 있습니다 [Two Women Are Living in an Old House]
멀티 태스킹은 현대인의 미덕이죠 [Multitasking is a Modern Virtue]
엄마의 장바구니 훔쳐보기 [Sneaking a Peek at Mom’s Shopping Cart]
안 일어났다면 좋았겠지만 그랬다면 몰랐을 일 [It Would’ve Been Nice If I Hadn’t Woken Up, But Then I Wouldn’t Have Known]
헬스장 플레이리스트 고찰 [Reflections on the Gym Playlist]
술 취해 응시한 조주기능사 자격시험 [Taking the Bartending License Exam While Drunk]
별점 4.5점을 많이 남기는 사람 [A Person Who Leaves a Lot of 4.5 Star Ratings]
일단 좋아하고 이유는 나중에 찾을 것 [Like It First, Find the Reason Later]
숙취 때문에 수액 맞고 합리화하다가 실패하는 글 [A Story of Getting an IV for a Hangover and Failing to Justify It]
코인노래방의 가수들 [The Singers of the Coin Karaoke Room]
앵무새는 생각보다 시끄럽다 [Parrots Are Louder Than You Think]
일출을 보러 갔는데 맞은편의 달만 눈에 들어왔다 [I Went to See the Sunrise, but Only the Moon Across Caught My Eye]
우리 집으로 놀러 와 [Come Over to My Place]

에필로그_삼면이 바다인 나라에 살고 수영은 잘 못해요 [Epilogue: Living in a Country Surrounded by the Sea on Three Sides but Not Good at Swimming]


Weight 0.28 kg
Dimensions 12.8 × 18.8 × 1.3 cm


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