Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE
This is a new illustrated essay by “반지수 (Ban Jisoo)”, the author and illustrator of “보통의 것이 좋아 (I Like Ordinary Things)” and the cover illustrator of “어서오세요 휴남동 서점입니다 (Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookstore)”.
As a self-taught artist with no formal training, during her uncertain and anxious days as an aspiring illustrator, she would often record her drawings, daily emotions, realizations, books she read, movies she watched, and her resolutions in a work journal.
She has now turned these into a book, offering empathy and comfort to readers who, like her past self, are dealing with their own struggles and worries.
It also includes practical content that can be helpful, especially for aspiring illustrators.
Compared to the author’s other illustrated essay, “I Like Ordinary Things”, the proportion of text has increased relative to the illustrations. Therefore, this book can be seen as requiring a higher upper-intermediate level of Korean, rather than being suitable for intermediate learners.
Basic Information
– ISBN : 9791190569767
– Author: by 반지수 (Ban Jisoo)
– Publisher: 송송책방 (SONGSONGBOOKS)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 360 pages
Table of Contents
프롤로그 [Prologue]
좋아하는 일을 하며 먹고살 수 있을까요? [Can I make a living doing what I love?]
만화 [Manga]
꿈 이야기 [Dream Stories]
- 끝없는 시작들 [Endless Beginnings]
- 정치가 아닌 예술을 하고 싶어 [I Want to Do Art, Not Politics]
- 메멘토 모리 (죽음을 기억하라) [Memento Mori: Remember Death]
- 꿈 앞에서 좌충우돌 지지부진 [Bumbling and Stalled in Front of Dreams]
- 하고 싶은 것이 너무 많아 [There Are So Many Things I Want to Do]
- 내게 필요했던 응원 [The Support I Needed]
- 큰 곡선의 변화는 천천히 온다 [Big Changes Come Slowly]
- SNS로 작가가 될 수 있구나 [You Can Become a Writer Through Social Media]
- 내겐 그림이 가장 효율적인 일 [Drawing is the Most Efficient Job for Me]
- 취미 드로잉 수업을 듣다 [Taking Hobby Drawing Classes]
- 같은 고민을 가진 친구의 소중함 [The Value of Friends with the Same Concerns]
- 썩은 버팀목 [Rotten Support]
- 사회운동이 내게 남긴 것 [What Social Movements Left Me]
- 독학에 대한 이야기들 [Stories About Self-Study]
- 독학에 대한 이야기들2 [Stories About Self-Study 2]
- 내 생에 최고의 칭찬 [The Best Compliment of My Life]
- 그림으로 먹고살기 힘들지 않아? [Isn’t It Hard to Make a Living from Drawing?]
- 일로서의 그림 [Drawing as a Job]
- 마음의 괴로움을 다루는 방식 [Ways to Handle Mental Struggles]
- 일기 쓰기와 기록하기에 관하여 [On Keeping a Diary and Recording]
- 애니메이션 스튜디오에 입사하다 [Joining an Animation Studio]
- 프리랜서의 시작-나만의 그림체 찾기 [Starting as a Freelancer: Finding My Own Drawing Style]
- ‘그림 그리기’에 관한 생각들 [Thoughts on ‘Drawing’]
에필로그 [Epilogue]
에필로그 2 [Epilogue 2]
추천의 글 [Recommendation]
크리에이터 이연 [Creator Lee Yeon] / 만화가 재수 작가 [Manga Artist Jae-Soo Writer]
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