분실물이 돌아왔습니다
[The Lost Item Has Been Returned]


Healing fantasy novel , Good for intermediate

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This book follows the journey of the protagonist, “혜원 (Hye-won)”, as she sequentially retrieves items she lost in the past.
She receives a phone call informing her that her belongings are being kept and that she should come to collect them.
Skeptical, she goes to retrieve them and finds her cherished Totoro pencil case from when she was very young.
However, she is not only surprised to find this item but also to discover that, at the age of 27, she has returned to the past and become a second grader.
As she lives again as a 9-year-old, she eventually returns to the present but receives another phone call…
This is a healing fantasy novel that offers comfort and inspiration as you reflect on the past alongside the protagonist.

The novel includes emotional expressions and descriptions, but since the sentence structures are not complex, it is suitable for intermediate Korean learners.


Basic Information

– ISBN : 9791169083812
– Author: by 김혜정 (Kim Hye-jeong)
– Publisher: 오리지널스 (ORIGINALS)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 312 pages


Table of Contents

추천의 말 [Recommendation]

첫 번째 분실물: 토토로 필통 [First Lost Item: Totoro Pencil Case]
후회는 사치 [Regret is a Luxury]
초2로 돌아가다 [Back to Second Grade]
슬기로운 학교생활 1 [Smart School Life 1]
슬기로운 학교생활 2 [Smart School Life 2]
돌아오다 [Return]

두 번째 분실물: 다이어리 [Second Lost Item: Diary]
사춘기입니다만 1 -전학생 [Teenage Years 1 – The New Student]
사춘기입니다만 2 -다시 만난 첫사랑 [Teenage Years 2 – Reunited First Love]
사춘기입니다만 3 -아무도 날 사랑하지 않아 [Teenage Years 3 – No One Loves Me]
사춘기입니다만 4 -고백 [Teenage Years 4 – Confession]
사춘기입니다만 5 -내 잘못이 아니야 [Teenage Years 5 – It’s Not My Fault]
늦은 만남 [Late Meeting]

세 번째 분실물: 가방 [Third Lost Item: Bag]
제 게 아닌걸요? [It’s Not Mine]
디어 미 1 -오류입니다 [Dear Me 1 – Error]
디어 미 2 -그때 그 아이 [Dear Me 2 – That Kid Back Then]
디어 미 3 -나는 나를 편애한다 [Dear Me 3 – I Favor Myself]
디어 미 4 -미안해 [Dear Me 4 – Sorry]

네 번째 분실물: 핸드폰 [Fourth Lost Item: Phone]
잃어버리지 않은 물건 [Item Not Lost]
미래에서 온 전화 [Call from the Future]
다가오는 일들 [Upcoming Events]
그날 [That Day]
미래에서 기다릴게 [I’ll Wait from the Future]

추천의 말 -쓰게 될 이야기는 언젠가 쓰게 된다 [Recommendation: The Story You Will Write Will Be Written Someday]
독자의 글 -우리 모두의 이야기 [Reader’s Note: Our Shared Story]

Weight 0.33 kg
Dimensions 12.8 × 18.8 × 2.0 cm


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