아무튼, SF게임
[Anyway, SF Game]


Essay on SF games , Good for upper intermediate

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The author ‘Kim Choyeop’ explores how SF games, which they have loved since childhood, are not just simple games but a means of exploring new lives and connecting them to their real life.
The essay is filled with content that resonates particularly well with readers who enjoy games.
While it uses many everyday expressions, it also contains vocabulary and phrases that convey emotions and thoughts.
Additionally, it includes content related to Korean gaming culture, making it a good read for Korean learners at an upper intermediate level.


Basic Information

– ISBN : 9791193044179
– Author: by 김초엽 (Kim Choyeop)
– Publisher: 위고 (HUGO)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 162 pages


Table of Contents

오래전 이미 이곳에 와본 것 같다 [It feels like I’ve been here before a long time ago]
기억을 잃은 주인공의 부활 [The resurrection of the protagonist who lost their memory]
세계를 경험하는 것 [Experiencing the world]
이 모든 것은 거짓말, 그래도 이 세계는 선명하게 아름답고 [All of this is a lie, yet this world is vividly beautiful]
선택하기를 선택하기 [Choosing to choose]
중독의 재발견 [Rediscovery of addiction]
전쟁 게임을 즐기는 평화주의자 [A pacifist who enjoys war games]
도마뱀 외계인을 사랑해도 될까요 [Is it okay to love a lizard alien?]
컴플리트를 포기하며 [Giving up on completion]

Weight 0.113 kg
Dimensions 11 × 17.8 × 1.5 cm


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