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Healing Novel , Good for upper intermediate

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Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE

This novel won the first place in the Translation Fiction category at the 2024 Japan Bookstore Awards, a significant achievement as it was selected through votes cast by bookstore employees on the books they most wanted to sell. It has also been translated and sold in many other countries.
The story takes place in an unassuming bookstore nestled in a quiet corner of Hyunam-dong, where diverse characters, including the bookstore owner ‘영주 (Young-joo),’ find comfort and refuge. As you experience the warmth and gentle solace they receive, you too may find healing and peace. The novel contains complex sentence structures and expressions, with a lot of descriptive content, making it suitable for readers at an upper-intermediate level of Korean proficiency.


Basic Information

– ISBN : 9791197377143
– Author: by 황보름 (Hwang Bo-reum)
– Publisher: 클레이하우스 (CLAYHOUSE)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 364 pages


Table of Contents

서점은 어떤 모습이어야 할까? [What Should a Bookstore Look Like?]
이제 더는 울지 않아도 된다 [You Don’t Have to Cry Anymore]
오늘 커피는 무슨 맛이에요? [What Does Today’s Coffee Taste Like?]
떠나온 사람들의 이야기 [Stories of Those Who Left]
좋은 책을 추천할 수 있을까? [Can You Recommend a Good Book?]
침묵하는 시간, 대화하는 시간 [Time for Silence, Time for Conversation]
서점 대표가 직접 사회 보는 북토크 [Book Talk Hosted by the Bookstore Owner]
커피와 염소 [Coffee and Goats]
단추는 있는데 끼울 구멍이 없다 [There Are Buttons but No Buttonholes]
단골손님들 [Regular Customers]
수세미 이벤트는 무사히 [The Scrubber Event Went Smoothly]
아주 가끔은 좋은 사람 [Sometimes a Good Person]
모든 책은 공평하게 [All Books Are Fair]
화음 또는 불협화음 [Harmony or Discord]
작가님과 작가님의 글은 얼마나 닮았나요? [How Much Do You Resemble Your Writing?]
서툰 문장이 좋은 목소리를 감춘다 [Clumsy Sentences Hide a Good Voice]
일요일을 뿌듯하게 보낸 밤에는 [On a Night Proudly Spent After Sunday]
얼굴이 왜 그래? [What’s Wrong with Your Face?]
일을 바라보는 우리의 태도 [Our Attitude Toward Work]
서점이 자리를 잡는다는 건 [What It Means for a Bookstore to Settle In]
깔끔하게 거절하고 싶었지만 [I Wanted to Decline Neatly, But]
받아들여지는 느낌 [The Feeling of Being Accepted]
화를 잠재우는 능력이 필요해 [Need the Ability to Calm Anger]
글쓰기 강의 시작 [Starting a Writing Class]
당신을 응원합니다 [I Support You]
엄마들의 독서클럽 [Mothers’ Book Club]
서점을 열어 먹고살 수 있을까? [Can You Make a Living Running a Bookstore?]
오늘은 바리스타 있는 월요일 [It’s a Monday with a Barista]
제가 첨삭해드릴게요 [I’ll Proofread for You]
솔직하고 정성스럽게 [Honestly and Sincerely]
커피 내릴 땐 커피만 생각하기 [Think Only About Coffee When Brewing]
영주를 찾아온 남자는 누구인가? [Who Is the Man Looking for Young-joo?]
과거 흘려보내기 [Letting the Past Go]
아무렇지 않게 [Casually]
그냥 서로 좋아하자는 것 [Just Liking Each Other]
좋은 사람이 주변에 많은 삶 [A Life Surrounded by Good People]
마음 확인 테스트 [Heart Check Test]
나를 더 좋은 사람으로 만드는 공간 [A Space That Makes Me a Better Person]
우리 베를린에서 만나요 [Let’s Meet in Berlin]
무엇이 서점을 살아남게 하는가? [What Keeps a Bookstore Alive?]

작가의 말 [Author’s Note]

Weight 0.473 kg
Dimensions 14 × 20.5 × 2.5 cm


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