Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE
‘용미 (Yong-mi)’, who left her book on the bus, and her best friend, ‘한나 (Hanna)’, set out to find a lost book repository. There, they encounter characters from various books. This mysterious place is where books that have slipped from someone’s hands and faded book characters reside. It is also a bittersweet place where these characters eventually disappear as ashes when forgotten from people’s memories. To save these characters, ‘용미 (Yong-mi)’ and ‘한나 (Hanna)’ embark on a fantasy adventure through the book to find the book witch. This is a fantasy original fairy tale.
The sentences are not long, the sentence structure is not complicated, and it includes many everyday conversational elements, making it suitable for intermediate Korean learners to read.
Basic Information
– ISBN : 9788901231518
– Author: by 서지연 (Seo Ji-yeon)
– Publisher: 웅진주니어 (WOONGJIN JUNIOR)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 144 pages
Table of Contents
- 쉿, 비밀이야 [Shh, It’s a Secret]
- 내가 넣어질 곳 [Where I Belong]
- 모험을 시작하다 [Begin the Adventure]
- 분실 책 보관소 [The Lost Book Repository]
- 와닿을 때 일어나는 일 [What Happens When It Resonates]
- 책에 쌓인 먼지 [Dust on the Books]
- 주인공을 살리는 방법 [How to Save the Protagonist]
- 책의 마녀를 찾아서 [In Search of the Witch of the Book]
- 거인과 책 벌레의 습격 [The Attack of the Giant and the Bookworm]
- 하얀 나라 할멈과 꼬리표 [The Old Woman of the White Land and the Tag]
- 잠의 숲을 지날 때 [Through the Forest of Sleep]
- 그림자 빛의 정체 [The Identity of the Shadow Light]
- 진짜 마법 [Real Magic]
- 새로운 가출 계획 [A New Escape Plan]
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