치즈덕이라서 좋아!
[I Love It Because I’m a Cheese Duck!]


Illustrated essay, Cheese duck, Good for intermediate

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This is the first illustrated essay book that chronicles the beginning of the character ‘치즈덕 (Cheese Duck),’ which was first released in the Kakao Emoticon Shop in 2018 and became a huge hit. Behind the seemingly cheerful Cheese Duck were many challenges, including the threat of being discarded and the confusion of an ambiguous identity between cheese and a duck. As you read through the story of overcoming these difficulties and becoming the happy Cheese Duck of today, you may find comfort and a sense of happiness yourself.
The comic sections are simple enough for someone at an elementary Korean level to understand. Consider beginning with the parts and revisiting the entire content as your Korean proficiency grows. This book is ideal for intermediate Korean learners.


Basic Information

– ISBN : 9791193262146
– Author: by 나봄 (Na Bom)
– Publisher: 필름 (FEELM)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 288 pages


Table of Contents

추천의 글 [Foreword]
프롤로그 [Prologue]
ep 1 치즈 덩어리의 등장 [The Arrival of the Cheese Chunk]
ep 2 강가로 간 치즈 덩어리 [The Cheese Chunk Goes to the Riverbank]
ep 3 오리의 등장 [The Duck Appears]
ep 4 내가 그 정도로 별로라고? [Am I Really That Bad?]
ep 5 오리처럼 될 거야 [I’ll Become Like the Duck]
ep 6 처음으로 받은 인정 [First Time Being Acknowledged]
ep 7 치즈덕 5형제 [The Five Cheese Duck Siblings]
ep 8 비교의 시작 [The Beginning of Comparisons]
ep 9 부족한 점만 계속 보여 [All I See Are My Flaws]
ep 10 스스로 결정하기가 어려워 [It’s Hard to Make Decisions on My Own]
ep 11 칭찬받지 못해서 속상해 [Upset from Lack of Praise]
ep 12 결국 폭발 [Finally, I Explode]
ep 13 있는 그대로는 받아들일 수 없어 [I Can’t Accept Things As They Are]\
ep 14 뭘 해도 마음에 안 들어 [Nothing Satisfies Me]
ep 15 몰려오는 후회 [A Flood of Regret]
ep 16 내가 너무 싫어 [I Really Hate Myself]
ep 17 다시, 치즈덕 5형제 [Again, The Five Cheese Duck Siblings]
ep 18 솔직히 말할게 [I’ll Be Honest]
ep 19 네 모든 게 좋았어 [I Loved Everything About You]
ep 20 내가 나를 사랑했더라면 [If Only I Had Loved Myself]
ep 21 변화의 시작 [The Beginning of Change]
ep 22 생각이 많으면 나아가질 못해 [Overthinking Keeps Me Stuck]
ep 23 치즈덕이 해냈다! [The Cheese Duck Did It!]
ep 24 오리의 속마음 [The Duck’s True Feelings]
ep 25 받아들이는 마음 [A Heart That Accepts]
ep 26 누구보다도 날 사랑해 [Love Myself More Than Anyone Else]
ep 27 있는 그대로가 좋아! [I Like Myself Just as I Am!]
ep 28 정말 하고 싶은 것 [What I Really Want to Do]
ep 29 괜찮아, 내가 좋으니까! [It’s Okay, I Like Myself!]
ep 30 강가를 떠나다 [Leaving the Riverbank]

에필로그 [Epilogue]

Weight 0.288 kg
Dimensions 13 × 18.8 × 2.2 cm


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