Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE
This is one of the Korean language learning textbooks created by “Talk To Me In Korean”, which provides textbooks and lectures for Korean learners around the world.
This textbook is designed for elementary to intermediate learners of Korean and helps expand basic sentences related to daily life into longer, more complex sentences.
Learners can study and practice various expressions closely related to everyday life.
Basic Information
– ISBN : 9791186701928
– Author: by 지나인 (Talk To Me In Korean)
– Publisher: 롱테일북스 (LONGTAILBOOKS)
– Language: Korean, English
– Print Length 276 pages
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Korean Language Basics
- 조금 추워서 따뜻한 이불을 덮었는데, 더워서 땀이 났어요. [I was cold, so I covered myself with a warm blanket, but I started sweating because it was too hot.]
- 급하게 면도하다가 작은 상처가 나서 약을 발라야 돼요. [I quickly shaved and got a small cut, so I need to apply medicine.]
- 수염이 짧아도 매일 면도해야 돼서 아침에 항상 바빠요. [Even though my beard is short, I have to shave every day, so I’m always busy in the morning.]
- 다래끼가 더 커지기 전에 집 앞에 있는 안과에 가서 치료를 받으세요. [Go to the ophthalmologist near your house and get treated before the stye gets bigger.]
- 학교에 늦지 않으려고 서서 양말을 신다가 넘어졌어요. [I was standing and putting on my socks to avoid being late for school, but I tripped and fell.]
- 물놀이하면 화장이 전부 지워질 것 같으니까 화장품을 챙겨야겠어요. [I think my makeup will come off if I swim, so I need to pack my cosmetics.]
- 아침에 일어나자마자 가볍게 운동하고 시원한 커피를 마신 다음에 회사에 가요. [As soon as I wake up in the morning, I do light exercise and drink cold coffee before going to work.]
- 너무 졸렸지만 바로 안 자고 이를 닦은 다음에 침대에 누웠어요. [I was so sleepy, but I didn’t go straight to bed. I brushed my teeth first and then lay down.]
- 머리를 안 감으려고 했는데, 갑자기 약속이 생겨서 감아야겠어요. [I wasn’t going to wash my hair, but I suddenly got an appointment, so I have to wash it.]
- 헤어드라이어로 머리를 말리고, 빗으로 빗은 다음에 머리를 묶었어요? [Did you dry your hair with a hairdryer, comb it, and then tie it up?]
- 머리가 많이 빠져서 비싼 샴푸를 사서 써 봤지만 별로 효과가 없었어요. [My hair was falling out a lot, so I bought expensive shampoo and tried it, but it didn’t work much.]
- 칫솔을 들기 전에 치약을 많이 짰는데, 제 칫솔이 안 보여서 당황했어요. [I squeezed a lot of toothpaste before picking up the toothbrush, but I couldn’t find mine, and I panicked.]
- 양치하려고 컵에 물을 받았는데, 뜨거운 물이 나와서 정말 놀랐어요. [I filled a cup with water to brush my teeth, but hot water came out, and I was really surprised.]
- 오랜만에 진하게 화장했더니 어색하지만, 잘 어울리는 것 같아서 기분이 좋아요. [I wore heavy makeup for the first time in a while, and although it felt awkward, I think it suits me well, so I feel good.]
- 새벽 5시에 시끄러운 알람이 울려서 너무 일찍 일어났더니 벌써 졸려요. [The loud alarm went off at 5 AM, and I woke up too early, so I’m already sleepy.]
- 제 안경이 너무 더러우니까 쓰기 전에 닦으세요. [My glasses are too dirty, so please clean them before you wear them.]
- 새로 생긴 안과에서 시력 검사를 받은 다음에 안경을 맞추려고 하는데 같이 갈래요? [After getting an eye test at the newly opened ophthalmology clinic, I’m going to get glasses. Do you want to come with me?]
- 시간이 없어서 오래된 마스카라를 대충 발랐더니 다 번졌어요. [I didn’t have time, so I hastily applied old mascara, and it smeared all over.]
- 너무 밝아서 두꺼운 커튼을 치니까 어두워졌어요. [It was too bright, so I drew the thick curtains, and it got dark.]
- 어두워지기 전에 다시 나갈 건데 왜 겉에 입은 옷을 벗었어요? [I’m going out again before it gets dark. Why did you take off the outer clothes?]
- 친구를 만나기 전에 얼른 번진 화장을 고쳐야겠어요. [I need to quickly fix my smeared makeup before meeting my friend.]
- 아침에 면도해도 저녁이 되면 수염이 또 자라니까 한 번 더 면도해야 돼요. [Even though I shave in the morning, my beard grows back by evening, so I need to shave again.]
- 눈이 너무 안 좋아서 텔레비전을 보려면 안경을 써야 해요. [My eyesight is so poor that I need to wear glasses to watch TV.]
- 젖은 옷을 안 갈아입고 밖에 나갔더니 감기에 걸린 것 같아요. [I didn’t change out of my wet clothes and went outside, and now I think I caught a cold.]
- 아침에 빨리 준비하고 나가려면 머리는 저녁에 감고 자야 돼요. [To get ready quickly in the morning, I have to wash my hair at night and sleep with it dry.]
- 몸에 비누칠하고 따뜻한 물을 틀었는데, 물이 차가워서 깜짝 놀랐어요. [I applied soap to my body and turned on the warm water, but it was cold, and I was shocked.]
- 끼고 있는 렌즈 안 빼고 세수했어요? [Did you wash your face without taking out your contact lenses?]
- 세수하고 깨끗한 수건으로 얼굴을 닦은 다음에 로션을 발랐어요? [After washing my face, I dried it with a clean towel and then applied lotion.]
- 비누로 세수하고 차가운 물로 헹궜더니 얼굴이 빨개졌어요. [I washed my face with soap and rinsed with cold water, and my face turned red.]
- 늦잠을 자지 않으려면 자기 전에 반드시 알람을 맞춰야 돼요. [To avoid oversleeping, I must set an alarm before going to bed.]
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