Book Guide by K-BOOKS AND MORE
This book is a study guide for preparing for the TOPIK speaking test, providing information about the test types and allowing you to assess your basic skills.
If you lack a foundation, you can practice with “Building Basic Skills” and prepare by reviewing the problem information for each type.
You can evaluate your speaking ability with practice and expected questions.
The book also offers ample sample answers that can serve as a guide for learners, and these can be heard in native speaker voices through QR codes.
This book categorizes six types of questions from beginner to advanced levels, making it an excellent resource for readers at any Korean language level, from Elementary to Advanced, who are preparing for the TOPIK Speaking test.
Basic Information
– ISBN : 9791158489236
– Author: by 박미경 (Park Mi-kyung), 권제은 (Kwon Je-eun)
– Publisher: 박이정 (PIJBOOK)
– Language: Korean
– Print Length 242 pages
Table of Contents
머리말 [Preface]
일러두기 [Instructions]
말하기 기본 다지기 [Building Basic Speaking Skills]
말하기 유형 1 질문에 대답하기 [Speaking Type 1: Answering Questions]
말하기 유형 2 그림 보고 역할 수행하기 [Speaking Type 2: Role-playing Based on Pictures]
말하기 유형 3 그림 보고 이야기하기 [Speaking Type 3: Describing a Story Based on Pictures]
말하기 유형 4 대화 완성하기 [Speaking Type 4: Completing a Dialogue]
말하기 유형 5 자료 해석하기 [Speaking Type 5: Interpreting Data]
말하기 유형 6 의견 제시하기 [Speaking Type 6: Presenting an Opinion]
실전 모의고사 1회 [Practice Test 1]
실전 모의고사 2회 [Practice Test 2]
실전 모의고사 3회 [Practice Test 3]
실전 모의고사 4회 [Practice Test 4]
실전 모의고사 5회 [Practice Test 5]
예시 답변 [Sample Responses]
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